Short-term braces


We have been providing short-term braces in Nottingham since we began. Today, straightening your teeth doesn’t have to be a two-year project. If the thought of long-term commitment puts you off, or you’ve got a special occasion coming up and want to look your best in a hurry, advances in orthodontic techniques mean you could have the smile you’ve always wanted in months rather than years.

We supply two different types of short-term braces, the Inman Aligner and Six Month Smiles. Both give fast results by only straightening the teeth at the front of your mouth.

Inman Aligner

The Inman Aligner is a removable brace, custom made for a comfortable fit, that significantly improves the straightness of your front four or six teeth. It’s a quick and affordable solution for crowded teeth or teeth that protrude outwards, and you could get results in as few as six to 16 weeks.

The braces have two curved aligner ‘bows’, one on the inside of the teeth and a clear one on the outside. The bows are pushed together using coil springs, putting a gentle pressure on the teeth to move them into a neater shape. They’re designed to be worn for 20 hours a day, but they can be removed easily for sports, meals out, special occasions or photographs.

Six Month Smiles

This system looks a little less obvious and will straighten the ten teeth at the front of your mouth. It’s also a slightly bigger investment than the Inman Aligner – though it’s still typically less expensive than traditional longer-term braces.

Clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires make the brace virtually invisible and use low forces to move teeth comfortably and safely. It takes an average of six months to get the desired results, although everyone’s teeth are different and it could be anywhere from four to nine months for you. After that we’ll give you a choice of retainers to help maintain the new, straight position of your teeth.